How to Stay Healthy at Home during the Corona virus Lock-down
In difficult times like the current coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic crisis, it can feel like the things are farfetched and out of our control. Many of the procedures and safeguards were thrown at us, but if we pondering enough on this thought, as the experts tell us, “the future is a bit far from certain.”
But we know there are still many things that we can do to protect ourselves, like sanitizing our hands after regular intervals or washing hands with soap for 20 seconds or so, keeping a safe distance from people surrounding us and maintain social distancing, etc.
There are few things down the pipeline and we can easily roll with it, it may be as
Eating Healthy
As far as this pandemic situation goes developing a vaccine or drug, either preventive measures or curative doesn’t sound anywhere near. So by cultivating few healthy lifestyles one can minimize the chances of getting infected during this current situation.
For starters, eating well and healthy is a very possible thing to do and one of the important keys to keep our mind, soul and body fit. It’s often seen around the globe that a healthy diet is directly related to the reduction of risk factors to the chronic lifestyle diseases such as obesity, depression, anxiety, and diabetes. It also plays a major role in the reduction of risks to cardiovascular diseases like heart attacks and strokes.
We don’t need to be fixed and very particular about our diet, we can simply stick to few things like consuming less processed or preserved food as they often tend to have high sugar levels nitrates and nitrites respectively.
For a healthy brain we can have foods like containing complex carbohydrates that are often seen in fruits along with vitamins too, good fats like in avocado and walnuts, whole grains, green and leafy vegetables. These are like superfoods for our brain and help to keep it energized. Food like tomatoes, papayas, cocoa has rich anti-oxidant properties that help to prevent oxidation and release of free radicals.
Vitamins such as B that is found in beans, bananas, broccoli and spinach, eggs, poultry, fish, and beetroot, which are essential for our brain and its directly related to the secretions and release of so-called Happy chemicals i.e., serotonin and dopamine. On the other hand when there is a lack of vitamin B6, B12, and folate (B9) it leads to a case that is commonly seen in depressed people.
Giving some serious thought on our gut health, which actually shows a major impact on our developing body and also on our mind and mood? Results have also shown that a healthy flora of our gut is very important. A combination of Prebiotics (a type of fiber that feeds healthy bacteria in the gut) and Probiotics (the type that are live bacteria, like those found in milk, yogurt, and active culture cheeses) can reduce swellings in the body, kick-starts our mood and cognitive function of our brain.
In its advice for dealing with coronavirus tension, the World Health Organisation (WHO) warns us not to “use smoke, alcohol or other medications to cope with your feelings.” It is advised that you talk to a health professional or psychiatrist if you feel stressed.
Sound Sleeping
One of the major body functions is sleep which is essential for the body to rebuild cells, properly organize thoughts to process information and intact memories in the long run. It also helps in balancing the bodily functions including proper digestion, metabolism, and even removal of toxins. We also found some strong evidence on sleep deprivation and its significant effect on our health, especially its negative impact on the quality of our emotional intelligence and also on our psychological well-being. It can also increase our chance of contracting chronic health problems, such as diabetes, obesity, and heart disease.
Daily sleeping routines, much like our other routines for eating, working and exercise is equally important. To some people eight to nine hours of sleep is sufficient and to some even six hours sleep is enough. Maintaining a biological clock for sleep helps to preserve a better consciousness and helps to keep up with our daily plans.
To some people it is seen than they face trouble sleeping and lay awake thinking stuffs. There might be various reasons associated with this such as using Laptops, mobiles, tablets etc that emits blue light and it impacts our retinas resulting in difficulty in quality sleep. One can try reducing eating just before bed.
Exercise and Yoga
Exercise releases hormones in the body that make us feel healthy, and it has also been related to healthier sleep, decreased depression and anxiety, and enhanced memory and cognition.
Outdoor sports working out in the gym could be off the table right now, still one can always do some kind of physical activity such as cardio or jumping jacks own our own. A simple 30-minute exercise at least 5 days a week can be developed in our daily normal routine. This way one can feel fresh, energetic, and more organized.
These days we have many fitness apps for online yoga classes, dance instructors even private customized courses during this pandemic. These fitness apps like Cultfree, Fitness, and HealthifyMe offer calories count in food intake and healthy recipes. Everything that we will need is a yoga mat or even a mattress could do the trick with a smartphone to browse some beginner’s basic tutorials for home workouts.
Or simply a simple brisk walk or jog within your compound, walking up down the stairs in our home or boxing would boost our body’s movement. Evidence shows that 15 minutes walk into nature are related to improve our well being as well as keep our body fit.
Though, be careful not to run and strain the body if you have flu-like symptoms or if you feel week and dehydrated.
Social Distancing — Virtual Connection
We need our friends and family now more than ever. Evidence suggests that social interaction is almost as important to our well being as diet, exercise, and sleep.
Yes true! We cannot throw any sorts of parties in order to create any socialism but one always engage in video calls to our friends and family. This type of re-creating socialism helps to build a bond and also to maintain a good relationship.
Apps like Zoom, Google Meet, Google Hangout & Skype could be a platform for groupies and sharing the connection with our loved ones.
Think of it as a maintaining social distance as well as being virtually together. Now a day’s one can definitely say virtual hug is a safe hug.
Engaging in-door Activities
Although being in a self-quarantine one can always see only one subject that is media imposing social alienation, how to be effective in work from home etc but it also offers great ideas to take a step back and break from this news series.
Has anyone thought that it could be a great time to bring out some creativity, some DIY’s? Even the stuffs like gardening, baking, thrifting, calligraphy, crochets, knitting, or reading stack of books on our bedside?
Actually now would be the best time to show some hidden talents or to indulge in some of your favorite hobbies or whatever you wish to do.
A very interesting suggestion was given by WHO recently that one to build on with their own experiences they have used in the past that would have helped then to overcome prior adversities.
Author —
Renuka Sharma (Lecturer — Lloyd Institute of Management and Technology (Pharmacy), Greater Noida)